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Spring, 2019

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Spring, 2014

Fall, 2013




Last Update: Jan, 30th, 2019

Omid Fatahi Valilai



   (21-548): Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

   (21-***): Intelligent Manufacturing systems (IMS)

   (21-342): CAD/CAM

   (21-541): Automation

   (21-614): Material Handling Systems (MHS)

   (21-814): C Programming

   (21-974): Management Information Systems (MIS)

   (21-423): Product Planning & Development (PPD)

   (21-410): Manufacturing Laboratory




   Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM): (21-548)


CIM as a graduate course aims to introduce the concepts of Information Technology revolution in manufacturing systems. Industrial engineering students are trained to use their system modeling skills to model and optimize a manufacturing system by using Information Technology tools. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Manufacturing system design

* System design concepts for manufacturing equipments and automation

* Information flow in manufacturing systems

* Product design and manufacturing

*Cloud Manufacturing Concepts



* Schaefer, D., Cloud-based Design and Manufacturing (CBDM): A Service-Oriented Product Development Paradigm for the 21st Century, . London: Springer, 2014

* Koren, Y., "The Global Manufacturing Revolution", Wiley, 2010

* Nasr, A., "Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing An Information-Based Approach",Springer, 2007

* Mitchell, F.H., "CIM Systems: An Introduction to Computer-Integrated Manufacturing", Prentice Hall College Div; 1St Edition edition (January 1991), ISBN: 978-0131332997

* Hannam, R., "Computer Integrated Manufacturing-from concepts to realization",  Prentice Hall , 1997


Semesters taught:

* Fall 2014

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   Intelligent Manufacturing systems (IMS): (21-***)


IMS as a graduate course aims to introduce the concepts of automated-thinking in manufacturing systems. Industrial engineering students are trained to use their system modeling skills to model and optimize intelligent solutions in manufacturing system. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Computer Integrated Manufacturing system

* Flexible Machining and assembly systems

* Introduction to Machine learning

* Knowledge based systems in manufacturing g systems

*Intelligent Product Development



* Kusiak, A., "Intelligent Manufacturing Systems", Prentice Hall, 1990

* Elmaraghy, A., "Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems", Springer, 2009

* Benhabib, B., "Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration",  Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003


Semesters taught:

* N/A

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   CAD/CAM: (21-342)


CAD/CAM as a graduate course aims to introduce the concepts of Computer-aided Design, Process Planning and Manufacturing in manufacturing systems. Industrial engineering students are trained to use their system modeling skills to understand the integration and collaboration issues among Computer-Aided X in manufacturing system. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Introduction to CAD/CAM/CAE systems

* Geometric modeling systems

* Optimization in CAD

* Rapid prototyping and manufacturing

* Virtual engineering

* Computer-Based Design and Features/Methodologies of Feature Representations

* Feature-Based Process Planning and Techniques



* Nasr, A., "Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing An Information-Based Approach", Springer, 2007

* Benhabib, B., "Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration",  Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003

*Radhakrishnan, P., et al. "CAD/CAM/CIM", 3rd edition, New age international (P) limited publishers, New York, 2003


Semesters taught:

* Spring 2015

* Spring 2014


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   Automation: (21-541)


Automation as an under graduate course aims to introduce the elementary concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Industrial engineering students are trained to understand the Automation concepts in areas like product design, product process planning and CNC machining. The basic topics of data Integration and collaboration in Product Development Life Cycle (PDLC) are described. Moreover, The students get familiar with ISO 10303 (STEP) standard. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Introduction to manufacturing automation and CIM

* Product lifecycle management (PLM) from automation and CIM perspective

* Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

* Geometric modeling techniques
* Geometric data exchange

* Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP)

* Variant & Generative Process Planning

* Computer-Aided manufacturing (CAM) and CNC machining



* Benhabib, B., "Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration",  Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003

* Radhakrishnan, P., et al. "CAD/CAM/CIM", 3rd edition, New age international (P) limited publishers, New York, 2003

* Nasr, A., "Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing An Information-Based Approach", Springer, 2007


Semesters taught:

* Spring 2015

* Fall     2014

* Spring 2014

* Fall     2013

* Spring 2013

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   Material Handling Systems (MHS): (21-614)


MHS as an under graduate course aims to introduce the elementary concepts of PLC applications in industrial material handling solutions. Different categories of material handling solutions are introduced to the students. Industrial engineering students are trained to understand the Automation concepts in areas like product packaging and material handling. Moreover, using the system modeling techniques, different solutions for designing a material handling system by means of Information Technology is considered. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Introduction to manufacturing automation and CIM

* Product lifecycle management (PLM) from automation and CIM perspective

* Material Handling Systems

* Petri Nets: Fundamental Petri Nets Models


* Benhabib, B., "Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration",  Marcel Dekker Inc, 2003

* Stoess, H.A., "Pneumatic Conveying (Materials handling)",1970

* Diaz, M., "Petri Nets: Fundamental Models, Verification and Applications", John Wiley & Sons, 2010


Semesters taught:

* N/A

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   C Programming: (21-814)


C programming as an under graduate course aims to introduce the C programming language. Different applications of C programming language in Industrial Engineering fields are discussed  with the students. Moreover, Industrial engineering students are trained to understand the concepts of Object Oriented likes inheritance, polymorphisms and encapsulation. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* C programming Language syntaxes

* Object Oriented Design and programming



* Kochan, S.G.,"Programming in C" , Sams Publishing 3 edition, 2004

* Kernighan, B.W., "C Programming Language",  Prentice Hall, 2 edition, 1988

* Coad, P., "Object-Oriented Programming", Prentice Hall, 1 edition, 1993


Semesters taught:

* N/A

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   Management Information Systems (MIS):  (21-974)


MIS as a graduate course aims to introduce the concepts of Information Systems Analysis and Design. Different methodologies of System development are discussed using the Industrial Engineering analytical approach. Different Information Systems like TPS, MIS, DSS, EIS are discussed and their applications for a manager is discussed.  The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Foundation of Information Systems (IS)

* IS analysis and design

* Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

* Software development Methodologies

* System analysis and design


* Davis, W.S., "The information system consultant's handbook: system analysis and design", Taylor and Francis, 2010

* Lucey,T., "Management Information Systems", Cengage Learning EMEA, 2004
* Piccoli, G.,"Information systems for managers: texts & cases ", John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007


Semesters taught:

* Spring 2015

* Fall     2014

* Fall     2013

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   Product Planning & Development:  (21-423)


product Planning & Development as an under graduate course aims to enable the product life cycle management engineering. Industrial Engineering students are engaged with concepts from definition of customer needs about a product. they will consider the issues like design for sustainability, reliability, maintenance, quality beside the traditional concepts of design for manufacturing and assembly. The main aim of this course is to enable the integration mechanisms from idea to manufacturing for a product. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Product development in the changing Global world
* Stages of Product Development
* The Structure of the Product Design Process
* Early design: Requirement definition and conceptual Design
* Trade-off analyses: Optimization using cost and utility Metrics
* Production System; Strategies, planning, and methodologies
* Planning and Preparation for Efficient Development
* Supply chain: Logistics, packaging, supply chain, and the environment

* Design for people: ergonomics, reparability, safety, and product liability


* John Priest, Jose Sanchez; "Product Development and Design for Manufacturing: A Collaborative Approach to Reducibility and Reliability, Second Edition", CRC Press, 2001
* Mital et al. ,"Product Development A Structured Approach to Consumer Product Development, Design, and Manufacture", Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008
* Benhabib, Beno; "Manufacturing: Design, Production, Automation, and Integration", 2003, Marcel Dekker Inc, New York
* Abouel Nasr, Emad; Kamrani, Ali K.; "Computer-Based Design and Manufacturing: An Information-Based Approach", 2007, Springer, New York


Semesters taught:

* Spring  2015

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   Manufacturing Laboratory:  (21-410)


Manufacturing Laboratory as an under graduate course aims to enable the implementation of  manufacturing theoretic topics through experiments. Industrial Engineering students are engaged with concepts from machining theories to PLCs, Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)  and robotic concepts. The most focused topics can be stated as:

* Marching tools

* Robotics

* CNC machining

* CAD/CAM integration through CATIA software package

* PLCs

* Hydraulics and pneumatics

Semesters taught:

* Spring  2015

* Fall     2014

* Spring 2014

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